"He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west." -Psalm 103:12
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Sports Rap ...

A Quick History

In 1988, I was 20 years old and living in the dorms.

My university has a radio station on campus but it has a very weak signal. I was actually a DJ on one of their rock music shows.

The station had a sports talk show every monday night. But because of the weak signal I wasn't sure if many people were regularly listening to the show.

In July of 1988 I listened a couple of times and noticed that they never got a call.

So I called in and used a made up name.

The small station didn't have a screener and there was no "caller ID" (showing who's calling) until around 1995. So I chose to try some calls and have some fun with it! I decided to use a different voice for each caller.

It worked great!

I did all of the voices:

"Mike", "Timmy", "Remo" "Richard Blake" plus various cameo characters. Also "Dennis" was by my
friend, Doug.

In September of '88 I decided to try something new to mix things up a little bit. I came up with the idea
to leave a bunch of letters in their mailbox at the radio station.

I was hoping that they'd read them during their show. The "letters" had to be realistic in order for
it to work...

So I'd make up different names...

I'd write it on different paper...

I'd use different colored pens...

And voilà !! It all worked!

The hosts were completely convinced that they were getting letters and phone calls from a "large audience". This moment in time was so special. It worked perfectly - my calls, my letters - it was a lot of fun in such a short time.


Joe - was very serious and was hoping for a "real" sports talk-show job someday.

Scott - he loves sports but never took this place serious. It's very funny how he pokes at my callers as well as at Joe. Very funny guy!

Hollis - He found Scott hilarious, always laughing at what he said. However, he was always cutoff whenever he tried to talk about anything.


Watch some now!

I am starting with October 3rd because that is a point when things started getting a little funnier. August and September are pretty good but not as good as it got througout October, November and December.

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